Virtual Poomsae Seminar by GM Ik Pil Kang 9th Dan
- How do I walk
- How do I turn
- How do I use my body
- How do I use my arms
- How should I connect the action
- Why am I not improving my Poomsae skills?
All these answers and much more will be addressed in this seminar
* Date: 5-6 December 2020
* Training method: Virtual over the Zoom
* Registration and Payment method: Online ONLY at the Martial Arts Event website
* No refund after registration
* Awards: Everyone will receive a participation certificate
Sponsors: Range Sports, Jcalicu UK (JC UK), KA Taekwondo, TKW TaeKangWon
Competition Director: Master Kambiz Ramzan Ali
Contact: +44 (0)7944988806
Registration Website: